What are the ballot questions?

Questions 2 and 3 on the April 5th ballot concern the override for funding Winthrop Public Schools. The language of the ballot questions is as follows:

Question 2: Shall the Town of Winthrop be allowed to assess an additional $3,500,000 in real estate and personal property taxes for the funding of FY26 Winthrop Public School’s Operational Budget ($3,500,000) for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2025?

Question 3: Shall the Town of Winthrop be allowed to assess $1,450,000 in real estate taxes and personal property taxes for the funding of a School Stabilization Fund ($1,450,000) for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2025?

The ballot will ask voters for a Yes or No vote on each question.

What does a YES and NO vote mean on each question?

A YES vote on Question 2 would allow Winthrop Public Schools to stabilize the FY26 Operational School Budget ($3,500,000) at its current level service, maintaining school standards and preserving current staffing and class size, curriculum, technology, and general school expenses beginning July 1,2025 and for the FY26 school year.

A NO vote on Question 2 would not allow for additional funding beyond the Town’s appropriation and not allow for a level service FY26 Operational School Budget and would result in reductions of staff positions, reductions of programs and course offerings and general school expenses as well as increased class sizes and student user fees for athletics and co-curricular activities beginning July 1, 2025.  

A NO vote on Question 3 would not allow for $1,450,000 to fund a School Stabilization Fund and thus not allow the school committee an option to seek approval of the Town Council to utilize the funds or a portion of the funds ($1,450,000) during a fiscal year for the increases in the operating expenses of the school department.

A YES vote on both Questions 2 and Question 3 would allow Winthrop Public Schools to stabilize the FY26 Operational School Budget ($3,500,000) beginning July 1, 2025, and would also add ($1,450,000) to a School Stabilization Fund for the purpose of ensuring financial stability and sustainability in school operational budget funding beyond FY26.

More information on Proposition 2.5 can be found here: https://www.mass.gov/info-details/proposition-2-12-and-tax-rate-process